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step interval造句

"step interval"是什么意思  
  • These frets are arranged in half-step intervals.
  • This structure avoids half step intervals by eliminating the fourth and seventh scale degrees.
  • The melody is characterized by frequent hemiolas and a half-step interval in the first section.
  • So it's not strictly proper because the three step intervals and the four step intervals share an interval size ( the tritone ).
  • So it's not strictly proper because the three step intervals and the four step intervals share an interval size ( the tritone ).
  • A scale is strictly proper if all two step intervals are larger than any one step interval, all three step intervals are larger than any two step interval and so on.
  • A scale is strictly proper if all two step intervals are larger than any one step interval, all three step intervals are larger than any two step interval and so on.
  • A scale is strictly proper if all two step intervals are larger than any one step interval, all three step intervals are larger than any two step interval and so on.
  • A scale is strictly proper if all two step intervals are larger than any one step interval, all three step intervals are larger than any two step interval and so on.
  • Written in 1968, " NFOS " takes the band out of a four-step interval block into a PSU formation on the field . " NFOS " is performed two different ways during the pregame show.
  • It's difficult to see step interval in a sentence. 用step interval造句挺难的
  • The locations where the perpendicular grid lines cross the yard lines, sometimes called " zero points " or gacks, may be marked on a practice field at eight-, four-, or two-step intervals.
  • For instance with the diatonic scale, the one step intervals are the semitone and tone, the two step intervals are the minor and major third, the three step intervals are the fourth and tritone, four step intervals are the fifth and tritone.
  • For instance with the diatonic scale, the one step intervals are the semitone and tone, the two step intervals are the minor and major third, the three step intervals are the fourth and tritone, four step intervals are the fifth and tritone.
  • For instance with the diatonic scale, the one step intervals are the semitone and tone, the two step intervals are the minor and major third, the three step intervals are the fourth and tritone, four step intervals are the fifth and tritone.
  • For instance with the diatonic scale, the one step intervals are the semitone and tone, the two step intervals are the minor and major third, the three step intervals are the fourth and tritone, four step intervals are the fifth and tritone.
  • The representation of this chord in Vogel's three-dimensional Tonnetz makes its statistical dominance much more plausible than its representation in Euler's two-dimensional Tonnetz : There is a distinct reference note ( C ), and all other notes are linked to this reference note via simple one-step intervals in this Tonnetz.
  • The single step intervals vary from the semitone from G to A to the major third from A to C . Two step intervals vary from the minor third from C to E and the tritone, from A to D . There the minor third as a two step interval is smaller than the major third which occurs as a one step interval.
  • The single step intervals vary from the semitone from G to A to the major third from A to C . Two step intervals vary from the minor third from C to E and the tritone, from A to D . There the minor third as a two step interval is smaller than the major third which occurs as a one step interval.
  • The single step intervals vary from the semitone from G to A to the major third from A to C . Two step intervals vary from the minor third from C to E and the tritone, from A to D . There the minor third as a two step interval is smaller than the major third which occurs as a one step interval.
  • The single step intervals vary from the semitone from G to A to the major third from A to C . Two step intervals vary from the minor third from C to E and the tritone, from A to D . There the minor third as a two step interval is smaller than the major third which occurs as a one step interval.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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